Friday, April 11, 2008


Why the universe with all its galaxies, the animal
and plant kingdoms are so very meticulous and wellordered?
It is because The Creator of this
universe is capable of such perfection and
wanted to make them signs for us to ponder
Why the formation & the sequential development
of the human embryo into a normal fetus is an
amazing and mind boggling process?
It is because, The Creator found all that
too easy & wanted to show us our nothingness
and helplessness.
Why the human being has been endowed with
multitudes of faculties, hand in hand with
It is because The Creator has planned
to put the human being to a test, through both
these - his faculties as well as weaknesses.
Why human life in this world is mixed with some
happiness and a lot of imperfections and sorrow in
the form of physical & mental agony, natural
disasters or crippling diseases?
It is because The Creator wanted us to
think about why we humans have been created
at all and that we strive and grow to our
potential in this world and achieve the fruits
of our deeds in the Hereafter.
Why there are so many different religions in today’s
world and what is Islam’s place among them?
It is because man kept tampering with
God’s revealed words, thereby perverting His
message from time to time, producing salient
differences in the religion. In fact God’s
revelation is a single continuation, from the
first Prophet to the last, with the revelation
finding its completion and perfection in the
Holy Qur’an.
Why the human conscience pricks when the
individual performs a sin?
It is because The Creator made the
human conscience a foreteller of the life
hereafter, wherein every soul will be put to
question for each of its deeds, words and
thoughts and aptly rewarded or punished.
Have you ever thought what could be the greatest
The greatest sin as mentioned in the last
revelation is
‘‘Join not in worship others with
Allah. For joining others in worship with
Allah is indeed the highest wrong doing.’’
(Holy Qur’an—31:13)
Why do Muslims hold the Holy Qur’an in great
It is because the Holy Qur’an is the last
of God’s revelations, the only one
unadulterated, remaining so forever and
providing the unambiguous distinction
between right & wrong.
Why is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) so dear to
It is because, it was through this last
Prophet of God Almighty, that the Holy
Qur’an was revealed in stages and Islam was
actually put into day to day practice.
What essentially is the message of Islam to
Allah says “It is not righteousness that ye turn
your faces towards East or West; But it is
righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last
Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the
Messengers; To spend of your substance, out of
love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the
needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and
for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in
prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfill
the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm
and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity,
and through all periods of panic. Such are the
people of truth, the God -fearing.” (Holy Qur’an
Why is Islam the fastest growing religion in today’s
It is mainly because of the sheer beauty
& wisdom in its principles of unity of God,
equality of mankind, morality, accountability
for deeds and perfect justice in the Hereafter.
Because of the infallible proof of Divinity of
the Holy Qur’an.
What is this ‘infallible proof’?
It is as follows:
I. ‘The Qur’an’ itself - repeatedly claims that
it is from God Almighty (Holy quran-32:2,
36:5, 26:192)
II. The concepts of God (Holy Qur’an- 112),
Judgment, Fate, Evil etc as explained by
Islam are psychologically irresistible & at
the same time most suited to the human
III. Islamic moral laws with regard to the
individual, familial, social and political
issues of human life are humanitarian,
practicable and well balanced.
IV. The tablet of the Qur’an is unadulterated
and will remain so forever. (Holy Quran-
V. The Qur’an has numerous challenges &
falsification tests (Holy Qur’an 62:6, 7)
for those who wish to question its divine
origin. One of the most relevant among
those in today’s world is to bring out a
single contradiction in it (Holy Qur’an
4:82). Using the parameters of our world;
its references & comments on science,
history, literature, economics or law or
anything else for that matter can be
critically analyzed for this. (Holy Qur’an-
Have you ever WONDER............................


Anonymous said...

I won't agree with you, ... the universe may seemingly seem well-ordered, but I'd to believe that there's chaos everywhere: whether it's uncontrolled chaos or controlled chaos.
Of course, our ways of being and ideologies differ vastly, for one: I'm an atheist. So, what I say may very well be blasphemy to you. But, I respect individuality and I respect every religion for what they are. Of course we have the right to differ in opinion and be different.

One of my favorite lines from your post is,
"Why the human conscience pricks when the
individual performs a sin?
It is because The Creator made the
human conscience a foreteller of the life
hereafter, wherein every soul will be put to
question for each of its deeds, words and
thoughts and aptly rewarded or punished."

I really like the way you've handled such an idea. Good take.

Anonymous said...

good post g8 work
active in blog

Nithin said...

try to use more simpler font type which will make us more confortable to read....

Falah said...

I too agree with Nithin.. It's d important thing understanding than d beauty, i think..

Georgia Fond is what i prefer..

Nice Work.. Best Wishes..